Company data

General information

Company Name: az. agr. giacomo grassi

Commercial Name: GIACOMO GRASSI

Vat number: 05002800489


Head office

Ph. 3355391535
Ph. 0558549066

First Person

giacomo grassi

Company description

L'azienda ubicata nel comune di Greve in Chianti, produce fin dal 1563 olio di alta qualità; in varie zone della Toscana, produciamo con 30.000 piante di olivo, olio monocultivar e blend certificato Biologico, Dop Chianti Classico e IGP Toscano.

The company located in the municipality of Greve in Chianti, has been producing since 1563 high-quality olive oil in various areas of Tuscany. We produce, with 30.000 olive threes, monocultivar and blend oil, certified organic, PDO Chianti Classico and Tuscan PGI.


Company Details

Turnover 2021

250.000 - 500.000



Products produced


Production capacity for the main certified products (PDO, PGI, Agriqualità, Bio, PAT, Prodotto di Montagna)

Dop Chianti Classico Olive Oil 20.000 kg, IGP Tuscany Olive Oil 20.000 kg



Brochure Monocultivar
Brochure Blend



L'Olinto Frantoio

Monocultivar Frantoio: CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS VARIETY Nowadays the Frantoio is a variety which can be found all over the world and has thus lost its ties with its original territory. This is why even if we find notice of its cultivation in the Florentine area since 1700, none considers it any longerexclusively a Tuscan variety. The plant is very strong and large, its flowers are selfcompatible and very fertile while its fruits, long in shape grow ripe late and not all at the same time. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OIL (Organic): To the nose the oil of Frantoio presents a strong grassy flavours, harmonious and penetrating. When in the mouth the flavour is elegant and remembers the fresh olive, the grass just cut, the bitter of the artichoke-leaf followed by a hot taste in tour throat (that is to say down to your bronchi) that leaves the mouth pleasantly clean. SUGGESTED FOOD JOINING On the table of the Tuscan kitchen, the oil of Frantoio, due to its elegant characteristics, can be perfectly joined to “harmonious” dishes such as tomato sauce spaghetti, vegetables minestrone, bread-soups, crostini, steaks, pinzimoni, beaus and all boiled legumes, besides classical mixed salads.

Olio extravergine di oliva Chianti Classico DOP (PDO Olive Oil)
L'Olinto Leccino

Monocultivar Leccino CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS VARIETY It is not clear the area from which this variety could have originated though many believe it should be Florence. The Leccino plants are very vigorous and wide. The flowers are not auto-inseminating bet very fertile. The fruits, egg-shaped, grow ripe all at the same time and very early (same years even in mid-October). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OIL (Organic) The Leccino oil has a clear flavour of fresh olive when it has been picked at the right level of ripening, and in the mouth it is pleasantly harmonious. The bitter taste remembers the cardoon (bitter-sweet) and the back hot taste leaves no grease in your mouth. SUGGESTED FOOD JOINING With the Leccino oil we suggest to season pasta dishes with asparagus and fresh pecorino sauce, all dishes with tomatoes, roast-beef, white meat rabbit and chicken and grilled veal, salads with spicy olives and pine-seeds, and is excellent on smashed-potatoes.

Olio extravergine di oliva Chianti Classico DOP (PDO Olive Oil)
Blend Chianti Classico

Blend with differents variety: BLEND CHARACTERISTICS The oil is obtained blending different indigenous varieties of Chianti Classico such as Frantoio, Leccino and Moraiolo. The harvesting of olives for oil DOP Terre del Nero is made within the month of November. The oil is extracted with cold process in a conti¬nuous loop. To guarantee a prolonged preservation of the organoleptic qualities, the oil is filtered immediately after extraction, to eliminate the factors of turbidity (water, sugar and olive pulp particles), which may cause serious fermentations. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OIL Its colour is green with greenish-yellow of varying intensity. The aroma is reminiscent of the fresh olives accompanied by pleasant sensations of herbs and almonds. In the mouth, the oil is balanced with notes of fresh fruit, with bitter like raw artichoke and thistle and with mild chilly pepper, leaving the mouth pleasantly clean. PERFECT CONDIMENT FOR The olio DOP Terre del Nero goes great with the flavours and aromas of Italian cuisine. It enhances the features of dishes based on red and white meats, raw vegetables and it “respects” the delicacy of flavours of dishes like grilled or steamed fish and finally, it enhances the typical soups based on legumes and cereals.

Olio extravergine di oliva Chianti Classico DOP (PDO Olive Oil)
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