Company data

General information

Company Name: Fattoria San Michele a Torri Società Agricola Srl


Vat number: 06274470480




Head office

Ph. 055 769111
Ph. 055 769191

First Person

Leonardo Francalanci

Other role, please specify


Second Person

Ottavia Agresti

Export manager


Company description

The Fattoria San Michele a Torri is located in the heart of Chianti, around 15 km from Florence. It takes its name from the village in which it stands, on a beautiful hill at the gates of Florence, from which you can admire the wonderful Tuscan landscape full of vineyards, olive groves and woods. It covers 420 hectares of lands (1037,4 acres), 60 hectares (150 acres) of vineyard, 50 hectares (124 acres) of olive three groves, 40 hectares (100 acres) of cereals and legumes cultivations, an area dedicated to our Cinta Senese breed pork (they live free range within the property) and woodland.We have around 150 pigs on our farm breeding. For our cold cuts of Cinta Senese Dop we only use meat from our own stock. Luca Magazzini, the butcher of our ORGANIC FARM, is personally in charge of supervising and taking care of how the the product are processed.The quality of our cold cuts is really high. La Fattoria San Michele a Torri è situata nel cuore del Chianti, a circa 15 km da Firenze. Prende il nome dall’omonimo villaggio su delle bellissime colline alle porte di Firenze dalle quali si può ammirare il meraviglioso paesaggio toscano ricco di vigneti, oliveti e boschi. Si estende su 400 ettari circa di cui 60 a vigneti, 50 ad oliveti, 40 a seminativo e il resto a bosco, dove vive abbiamo anche l’allevamento di Cinta Senese . Abbiamo circa 150 animali . Per la produzione dei nostri salumi utilizziamo esclusivamente carni provenienti dal nostro allevamento. Luca Magazzini, norcino della Fattoria, è l’incaricato che personalmente cura e supervisiona la lavorazione dei salumi. La qualità delle nostre carni ed una lavorazione artigianale ci permettono di ottenere salumi eccellenti, frutto di un approccio genuino e naturale de del rispetto di un sano ambiente di allevamento. Il prosciutto stagionato 24 mesi, il filetto e il capocollo seccati all’aria, la sbriciolona delicatissima, sono solo alcune delle nostre specialità.


Company Details

Turnover 2021

1M - 5M

% export 2021




Main Export Areas


Other Export Areas



Products produced


Price range

Production capacity for the main certified products (PDO, PGI, Agriqualità, Bio, PAT, Prodotto di Montagna)

CHIANTI COLLI FIORENTINI DOCG wine bottles per year n. 200.000 - CHIANTI CLASSICO DOCG wines bottles per year n. 100.000 - IGT TOSCANA wines bottles per year n.100.000 - CINTA SENESE Dop cold cuts kg. 8.000


Main factors of competitiveness of the company


Salami from Cinta Senese Dop



Prosciutto da Cinta Senese DOP

Our Ham from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is produced according to the Tuscan tradition. This particular kind of pork takes it’s name from the word Cinta (or belt); the pink stripe that runs along the pig’s chest. The pigs are bred semi-wild which gives the meat an exceptionally unique flavor, and is low in fat. The thighs of our pigs are put in salting for 20 days according to ancient traditions, then set aside for 3 months until finally cured for 18 months. At the end of maturation the product obtains an exceptional intense taste yet is well balanced by the sweetness of the fat. Our ham from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is sold whole or vacuum packed into pieces of about 1,500 kg.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Salame da Cinta Senese DOP

Our Salami from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is produced with the finest cuts of “Cinta Senese DOP” pork. For the production, the shoulder and ham trimmings are seasoned in salt, pepper and garlic for 3-4 months in natural casings. It is sold in sizes from 0,700 kg to 1,300 kg. Salami is characterized by its intense aromas and strong taste yet at the same time is very delicate. It is ideal when combined with fresh figs and Tuscan pecorino.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Sbriciolona da Cinta Senese DOP

The Sbriciolona from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is produced with the bacon meat. The cheek and capocollo of the Cinta Senese DOP is finely minced and flavored with salt, garlic, pepper and wild fennel seeds. After aging about 2 months it is naturally ready for consumption and sold in sizes from 0,800-1,500 kg. Its features look crumbly from which it takes its name. It is sweet and delicate and ideal when combined with fresh beans and pecorino.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Pancetta da Cinta Senese DOP

The Bacon from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is salted for 7 days with salt, pepper and garlic. After 2 months of seasoning it is ready to be consumed. It has an intense savory taste filled with aroma. It is great thinly sliced for bruschetta and also used frequently as a staple ingredient for amatriciana and carbonara pasta. It is sold in sizes of 1,500 kg or vacuum packs of 400 gr.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Guancia da Cinta Senese DOP

The Guancia (cheek) from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork is salted for 7 days and flavored with pepper, garlic and salt. After 2 months of seasoning it is ready to be consumed. It has a mild taste yet is flavorful with aromas. It is excellent thinly sliced and eaten raw however it is most importantly a staple in our kitchen when preparing typical dishes such as amatriciana and carbonara pasta. It is sold in sizes of 1,500 kg or in vacuum packs of 400 grams.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Capocollo da Cinta Senese DOP

Air dried Capocollo from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork. This is the part of the loin rich with veins. It is flavored with salt, pepper and garlic for 3 months until it is ready to be consumed. The meat features lean meat alternating stripes of soft and delicate fat. The taste is delicate and intense and is great as a seasoned carpaccio. It is sold in sizes from 1.500 to 2,000 kg or in vacuum packs of 400 grams.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
Filetto da CInta Senese DOP

Our Fillet from “Cinta Senese DOP” pork t is produced from the loin of the pig. It is then salted for 7 days with salt, pepper and garlic. After 3 months of maturation it is ready to be consumed. The flavor is delicate and elegant. The fillet from “Cinta Senese DOP” is great served as carpaccio, enriched with a drizzle of extra virgin organic olive oil on a bed of seasonal lettuce or aged cheeses. The fillet is sold in whole sizes from 1,500 to 2,000 kg or in vacuum packs of 400 grams.

Cinta Senese DOP (PDO Pork meat)
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