La Castagna Leopoldina, azienda agricola situata alle pendici del Monte Amiata, produce e trasforma pregiati marroni fiorentini per offrire al pubblico un frutto da gustare tutto l’anno, senza conservanti aggiunti, prodotto artigianalmente rispettando la natura e seguendo processi in filiera chiusa. Un amore per la natura che nasce negli anni ’70, quando Mario Gioacchini mette a dimora il castagneto e dà vita all’azienda agricola “La castagna”. Per la famiglia Gioacchini, la piantumazione di castagni è una filosofia di vita: speranza e passione vanno coltivate ogni giorno. Nel 2014, sua figlia Francesca lascia la solida professione di farmacista a Roma e torna a “casa” per diventare imprenditrice agricola. Pianta centinaia di giovani castagni e investe in una linea completa per la lavorazione del prodotto fresco che appena raccolto, viene lavorato in modo da preservarne le qualità organolettiche. L’azienda agricola cresce: viene creato un laboratorio per la trasformazione dei marroni, uno spazio per i visitatori e Francesca aggiunge al brand l’aggettivo Leopoldina, omaggio alla cultura del territorio, a Leopoldo Pietro, Granduca di Toscana, e alle sue riforme agrarie. Nel 2019 si amplia la linea dei trasformati con l’implementazione di nuovi macchinari. L’azienda è pronta a proporre i marroni in un’altra veste: marron glacés, creme di marroni, marroni sciroppati, farina e miele di castagno. È anche tempo di partnership che fan divenire il castagneto casa di eventi culinari e di storia del territorio. Ogni passo è il frutto di un’attenta ricerca di competenze sul territorio nazionale, una cosciente osservazione dei valori della vita contadina e della calma evoluzione che la natura fa durante le stagioni. Abbiamo comunicato a fondo con essa, arricchendoci di linguaggi autentici e ritualità antiche che hanno spinto ogni scelta. La campagna ci ha educato a rispettare i tempi, a non forzare, portandoci a offrire una quantità selezionata di prodotto di altissima qualità.
La Castagna Leopoldina, a farm located on the slopes of Monte Amiata, produces and processes fine Florentine chestnuts to offer the public a fruit to be enjoyed all year round, without added preservatives, handcrafted respecting nature and following closed supply chain processes. A love for nature that was born in the 70s, when Mario Gioacchini planted the chestnut grove and gave life to the "La castagna" farm. For the Gioacchini family, planting chestnut trees is a philosophy of life: hope and passion must be cultivated every day. In 2014, his daughter Francesca leaves the solid profession of pharmacist in Rome and returns "home" to become an agricultural entrepreneur. He plants hundreds of young chestnut trees and invests in a complete line for processing the fresh product which, as soon as it is harvested, is processed in order to preserve its organoleptic qualities. The farm grows: a laboratory is created for the transformation of chestnuts, a space for visitors and Francesca adds the adjective Leopoldina to the brand, a tribute to the culture of the territory, to Leopoldo Pietro, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and to his agricultural reform . In 2019 the line of processed products is expanded with the implementation of new machinery. The company is ready to offer chestnuts in another guise: marron glacés, chestnut creams, chestnuts in syrup, flour and chestnut honey. It is also a time for partnerships that make the chestnut grove the home of culinary events and the history of the territory. Each step is the result of a careful search for skills on the national territory, a conscious observation of the values ??of peasant life and the calm evolution that nature makes over the seasons. We communicated thoroughly with it, enriching ourselves with authentic languages ??and ancient rituals that prompted every choice. The campaign has educated us to respect the times, not to force, leading us to offer a selected quantity of the highest quality product.
Production capacity for the main certified products (PDO, PGI, Agriqualità, Bio, PAT, Prodotto di Montagna)
Crema di marroni - Chestnut cream
Made in our artisan laboratory, using only chestnuts grown in our chestnut grove, sugar and natural vanilla extract, the Leopoldina cream has the 60% of fruit concentration. Its production follows a process, at a controlled temperature, which allows the concentration of the fruit without adding gelling agents or thickeners, preserving the chestnut flavor completely.
In jar of 225g or 115g
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Crema di marroni al cacao - Chestnut and cocoa cream
Made in our artisan laboratory, using only chestnuts grown in our chestnut grove, sugar and cocoa, the Leopoldina cream has the 60% of fruit concentration. Its production follows a process, at a controlled temperature, which allows the concentration of the fruit without adding gelling agents or thickeners, preserving the chestnut flavor completely.
In jar of 225g or 115g
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Farina di castagne - Chestnut flour
Our chestnut flour made by slow drying of our chestnuts, by smoking, in the typical Tuscan metati, where the humidity is around 4/5% against the 10% humidity that occurs in industrial processes. This ensures a valuable and healthy product.
After 30/40 days, the peeled and reselected chestnuts are ground in a stone mill and transformed into ivory-colored flour with an unmistakable aroma. The processing of the stone mill does not overheat the product as happens with the hammer mills used in industrial processes. This allows to safeguard the authentic characteristics of the flour. Finally, the practical vacuum packaging allows you to preserve the original scent.
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Marroni sciroppati - Chestnuts in syrup
Our carefully selected Florentine chestnuts are cooked and preserved in syrup flavored with precious Madagascar vanilla. Perfect to accompany cheese or salami platters.
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Marrons Glacès
After harvesting, the largest and most beautiful fruits are selected and transformed into a precious delicacy. Through an artisanal process, the highest quality chestnuts are wrapped by hand in tulle and subjected to a progressive candying process for several days. Once candied, the chestnuts are finished with a veil of icing, thus becoming exquisite Marrons Glacés, ready to be enjoyed.
For short luxury breaks.
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Marrons Glacès sciroppati in pezzi
Our candied chestnuts are carefully selected by hand and subjected to a slow candying process, at the end of which they are removed from the tulle that wrapped them and packaged in practical glass jars immersed in a syrup that preserves their softness and taste To garnish Excellent for garnishing splendid Mont Blanc or for a delicious break.
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Miele di castagno - Chestnut honey
Leopoldina Chestnut Honey is an Italian honey produced by bees that enrich our chestnut grove.
With its typical amber color and characteristic bitter taste, rich in mineral salts, antibacterials and antioxidants, it is an excellent ally to regain energy in the most intense periods.
Ideal for strong flavours lovers.
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Miele millefiori
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese
Confezione dolce castagneto
Gift box of our best products in the jar
PAT (Traditional Tuscan Food Product): Chestnuts based products, Pasta and Fresh Pasta, Cheese