Company data

General information

Company Name: Caseificio Seggiano srl


Vat number: 00991330523



Head office

Ph. 0564950034
Ph. 0564950319

First Person

Roberto Valdambrini

Commercial director

Company description

PECORINO ROMANO PDO product of  Grosseto, in the south of Tuscany. World famous and renowned sheep's milk cheese.
PECORINO TOSCANO PDO tender: excellently balanced between nature, enviroment and dairy craftsmanship.
PECORINO TOSCANO PDO aged: an extraodinary product to enhace all the qualities and characteristics of the region.
Seggiano dairy, located at the slopes of Monte Amiata at the borders to the Maremma region, produces a wide range of  outstanding pecorino cheeses. Selected  fresh and natural ingredients together with artisan dairy craftsmanships give to Seggiano products an unique taste. They create an exceptional flavour experience in this corner of Tuscany.

PECORINO ROMANO DOP prodotto in Grosseto. Antico e famoso nel mondo.
PECORINO TOSCANO DOP Tenero: perfetto equilibrio tra natura, ambiente e arte casearia.
PECORINO TOSCANO DOP Stagionato: l'eccellenza che esprime tutte le virtù di un territorio magicamente percepibiloi ai nostri sensi.
Il CASEIFICIO SEGGIANO, ai piedi del monte Amiata, produce formaggi dal sapore di una volta. Le materie prime e l'artigianalità fanno si che i formaggi di Seggiano siano unici ed inimitabili con sapori e profumi della storia di questo angolo di Toscana.


Company Details

Turnover 2021

5M - 10M

% export 2021




Main Export Areas

Type of presence on the above markets

Wholesalers and gourmet shops



Other Export Areas



Other certifications

Products produced


Price range

Production capacity for the main certified products (PDO, PGI, Agriqualità, Bio, PAT, Prodotto di Montagna)

Pecorino Toscano dop tenero- tender 100.000kg/ Pecorino Toscano dop stagionato-aged 80.000kg. Pecorino Romano Dop of the province Grosseto 60.000Kg


Main factors of competitiveness of the company


Catalogo prodotti Caseificio Seggiano
Pecorino Romano DOP di Grosseto
Pecorino Toscano DOP stagionato





Pecorino Toscano DOP - tender

From the acient Tuscan dairy tradition, produced with the milk collected only from selected farmers belonging to the Consorzio Pecorino Toscano PDO, this pecorino has a tender texture with a white , straw yellow colour. The aroma of fresh milk comes fully out, reminding to the beautiful Tuscan countryside where the flocks are free to graze.

Pecorino Toscano DOP (PDO Cheese)
Pecorino Toscano DOP - aged

This pecorino aged for at least 4 months presents itself with a semi-tender texture , the holes are small and evenly spread, with a straw yellow colour. The crust is light brown and gets darker with the aging time and the final treatment with grapeseed oil.

Pecorino Toscano DOP (PDO Cheese)
PECORINO ROMANO DOP product of Grosseto

Pecorino Romano DOP is a hard cheese, produced with sheep’s milk, derived exclusively from certificated farms in ​​the province of Grosseto. It has a thin crust, its colour vary from pale ivory to a strawish yellow. The cheese can sometimes be covered with a special protection for foods in a neutral colour or black. The texture is compact and may present a limited number of holes. The flavour for the table cheese, aged for about 5 months, is slightly spicy and aromatic. In the grated cheese, matured for 8 months, the flavour is stronger and spicy. The cheese wheels have a cylindric form and can weight about 30 kg. This cheese finds its best and perfect use for pasta recipes

Pecorino Toscano DOP (PDO Cheese)
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