Company data

General information

Company Name: soc. agr. bagno a sorra di fanciulli

Commercial Name: BAGNO A SORRA

Vat number: 01043030525


Head office

Ph. 0577393146
Ph. 0577393146

First Person

Enrico Fanciulli Del Casino

Owner / Administrator

Second Person

Alice Valdambrini

Export manager

Company description

La storia Ogni bottiglia di olio extravergine di oliva prodotta dalla proprietà; Fanciulli Del Casino di Siena contiene non solo un olio dalle caratteristiche spiccate e brillanti, ma anche l'antica storia delle famiglie che hanno contribuito alla formazione di questa appassionata tradizione agricola. L’immagine commerciale dell’Azienda si identifica tuttora con l'araldica Fanciulli, a dimostrare come il passato si proietti nel futuro. Documenti risalenti al 1800 testimoniano come proprietà "con sterili olivi" siano divenute prospere e produttive olivete, grazie alle costanti migliorie apportate dalle diverse generazioni che si sono succedute nel tempo. L’Azienda Situata alle porte di Siena, l’Azienda Agraria Bagno a Sorra condotta secondo i criteri dell’agricoltura biologica, certificata da Icea, si estende in più corpi nel territorio circostante la città. Localizzata geograficamente nella Toscana antiappenninica, dove le prevalenti sabbie gialle si alternano a scarse argille, essa è esposta ad ovest della città con una altitudine che oscilla tra i 250 mt. e 350 mt. slm. Questa tipologia di territorio ha contribuito e contribuisce tuttora all'eccellente qualità del prodotto. La qualità dell'olio extravergine di oliva "Fanciulli" è garantita dalle molteplici cultivar presenti nelle oltre 35.000 piante di olivo all'interno dell’Azienda. La raccolta delle olive viene effettuata direttamente dalla pianta, in modo da evitarne il degrado a contatto con il terreno ed è seguita da una frangitura meccanica a ciclo continuo nel proprio frantoio di ultima generazione, che permette di ottenere un prodotto di elevata tipicità. L’Azienda Agraria Bagno a Sorra certifica inoltre la propria produzione con il marchio DOP Terre di Siena e con l’IGP Toscano.

The History Every bottle of extra virgin olive oil produced by the Fanciulli Del Casino estate in Siena contains, not only an oil of excellent and unmistakable character, but also the ancient history of the families that have contributed to this impassioned farming tradition. To this day, the commercial logo of the estate is represented by the Fanciulli family crest, showing how the past has become a part of the future. Documents dating back to 1800 bear the proof of how lands “with sterile olive trees” have now become prosperous and fruitful olive groves, thanks to the constant improvements introduced by successive generations throughout the ages. The Estate The Bagno a Sorra agricultural estate, located just outside the old walls of Siena, is run according to organic farming requirements, and extends to several other holdings in the terrain surrounding the city. Geographically located in the anti-Apennine region of Tuscany, where the prevalent yellow sands alternate with occasional clayey soils, the estate lies to the west of the city, where the altitude varies from 250-350 mt. above sea level. The typology of this terrain has contributed to the excellent quality of the product, and continues to do so to this day. Oil The high quality of the “Fanciulli” extra virgin olive oil is guaranteed by the multiple cultivars numbered among the estate’s collection of over 35,000 olive trees. The olives are gathered directly from the tree, in order to avoid them from being spoiled by contact with the ground, and are consequently crushed in a continuous-cycle mechanical press, which ensures that the final product is of a high standard. Furthermore, the oil produced by the Bagno a Sorra agricultural estate, which is run according to organic farming guidelines, is certified by the DOP Terre di Siena and IGP Toscano quality stamps.


Company Details

Turnover 2021

500.000 - 1M

% export 2021




Main Export Areas


Other Export Areas



Products produced


Price range

Production capacity for the main certified products (PDO, PGI, Agriqualità, Bio, PAT, Prodotto di Montagna)

30000 liters anual


Main factors of competitiveness of the company


Catalogo Ita-Uk
Catalogo Ita-D



Fanciulli Dop

DOP TERRE DI SIENA Olive surface (HA) 60 Number of olive trees 18000 Average altitude of 350 olive surface Varieties of olive trees in the company Correggiolo 15% 15% 15%, Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino 15% 15% 15% and 10% miscellaneous etc. Marketing name Fanciulli DOP Quantity produced (kg) 7500 ORGANIC certification Dop Terre di Siena Oil type typical of the Sienese territory with hints of grass and Thistle with right balance between bitter and spicy olives more variety that affect based on the seasonal pattern of a set of tastes and scents of our land. Harvest period 15/10 – 15/11 Type of manual collection Crushing mill Alfa Laval processing technology Continuous cycle with disc Crusher and Kneaders closed Standard 500 ml 250 ml and 750 ml bottles

Olio extravergine di oliva Terre di Siena DOP (PDO Olive Oil)
Fanciulli Toscano

Olive surface (HA) 44 Number of olive trees 18000 Average altitude of 350 olive surface Varieties of olive trees in the company Correggiolo 15% 15% 15%, Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino 15% 15% 15% and 10% miscellaneous etc. Marketing name Fanciulli DOP Quantity produced (kg) 7500 ORGANIC certification Dop Terre di Siena Oil type typical of the Sienese territory with hints of grass and Thistle with right balance between bitter and spicy olives more variety that affect based on the seasonal pattern of a set of tastes and scents of our land. Harvest period 15/10 – 15/11 Type of manual collection Crushing mill Alfa Laval processing technology Continuous cycle with disc Crusher and Kneaders closed Standard 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml 750 ml 1000 ml 3000 ml 5000 ml bottle/can

Olio extravergine di oliva Toscano IGP (PGI Olive Oil)
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